Red River College McNaughton Centre Upgrade |
A ceremony was held on April 12, 2002 to celebrate the opening of the newly upgraded IEEE McNaughton Centre at Red River College. The ceremony was attended by Dave Kemp of the IEEE Canadian Foundation (ICF), Ken Webb (Vice President Academic Red River College), Martin Mayer of the Red River College Electronic Engineering Technology department, past RRC alumni, and members of the local Winnipeg IEEE Section.
Upgrades to the Red River College McNaughton Centre were paid for by a grant from the IEEE Canadian Foundation (ICF), and the Electronics Technology Department of Red River College. Upgrades included new laboratory and computer equipment, new signs, paint, and general cleanup of the center. Dave Kemp of the IEEE Canadian foundation presented the RRC McNaughton Center with the IEEE video series "Entrepreneurial Skills Seminar", and encouraged all IEEE McNaughton Centres to continue to work with the ICF in the future.
The IEEE Student Branch of Red River College would like to thank the ICF, the Red River College Electronic Engineering Technology Department, and the IEEE Winnipeg Section for support in obtaining funds for the center's upgrade.
For more information contact the Red River College McNaughton Centre through the RRC Student Branch Counselor, Bob Dueck
from the IEEE Manitoba Section Newsletter, written by Tim Stampe, the 2001-2002 student branch chair.
Photos provided by Foundation member Dave Kemp
The 2001-2002 IEEE Student Branch Executive at Red River College, shown in top right photo are - from left to right: Kayaga Muyinda (Secretary; later, 2002-2003 Branch Chair), Allan McAuley (vice-chair), Tim Stampe (chair), Kris Miller (publicity coordinator), Dave Bourget (treasurer), Colin Mantay (membership coordinator/webmaster).
 Equipment purchased with a grant from the IEEE Canadian Foundation. |
 2001-2002 IEEE Student Branch Executive (Red River College)
 Kayaga Muyinda, Allan McAuley, Derek Oliver (2002 IEEE Winnipeg Section Secretary/Treasurer, 2003 Section Chair), Bob Dueck (Branch Counselor) in RRC McNaughton Learning Resource Centre. |
 Members of IEEE Winnipeg Section and RRC Student Branch - Dave Kemp in far right corner. |