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The Foundation Committees for 2024-25
  • Audit Committee - John Mowbray (Chair) and Dan Coode (non-voting consultant)

  • Development Committee - Denard Lynch, (Chair), Tara Ahmadi, Anader Benyamin-Seeyar, John Mowbray, Eduard Tourani; incl. Historian and Archivist (vacant)

  • Executive Committee - David Whyte (Chair), Anader Benyamin-Seeyar, Dan Coode, Denard Lynch, Patrick Nikwari

  • Finance Committee - Dan Coode (Chair), Patrick Nkwari (Vice Chair), Audit Committee representaive (vacant) (non-voting on the committee), Bill Shepherd (BMO Nesbitt Burns non-voting consultant to the committee)

  • Grants Committee - Denard Lynch (Chair), Piere-Marie Ntang (Vice-chair) Anader Benyamin-Seeyar (Secretary), Dan Coode, Dennis Peters, Adam Skorek

  • Investment Advisory Committee - Dan Coode (Chair), (Vacant) , Bill Shepherd (BMO Nesbitt Burns non-voting consultant to the committee)

  • Nominations and Corporate Governance Committee - John Mowbray (Chair), Eric Holdrinet (Vice Chair), one position open

  • Section Liaison Committee - Wahab Almuhtadi (Chair) (Ottawa), Iyub Adam (Northern Canada), Luigi Benedicenti (New Brunswick), Anader Benyamin-Seeyar (Montreal), Ekram Hossian (Winnipeg), Emanuel Istrate (Toronto), Denard Lynch (North Saskatchewan), Jeff MacKinnon (Canadian Atlantic), Dave Michelson (Vancouver), John Mowbray (Kitchener-Waterloo), Patrick Nkwari (Hamilton), Dennis Peters (Newfoundland and Labrador), Adam Skorek (St. Maurice), Dale Tardiff (South Alberta), Yves de Villers (Quebec), vacant (Kingston), vacant (London), vacant (Peterborough), vacant (South Saskatchewan), vacant (Victoria), vacant (Windsor)

  • Student Branch Liaison Committee - These responsibilites now operating within the Section Liasion Committee.

  • Webmaster Committee - Pierre-Marie Ntang (Chair), Denard Lynch, David Whyte

  • Committees are elected annually by the new Board at their meeting immediately following the members' annual meeting.

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