Fondation canadienne de l'IEEE
Assemblée annuelle des membres, 5 avril 2007
Croissance de la Fondation à la grandeur du Canada
Représentation de toutes les parties du Canada - Nous réalisons des progrès en impliquant plus les membres
de plus en plus de Sections dans des activités de la fondation. Sur les trois dernières années le pourcentage de
Sections avec des membres de la fondation a augmenté de 50% à 60% à 80% et atteindra 95% si les recommandations
du comité de nomination de cette année sont approuvées. Je crois que ceci ouvre la porte à un plus grand
dialogue avec les Sections et leurs branches étudiantes, et j'espère que nous pourrons explorer des mécanismes
permettant de tirer avantage de cette opportunité.
Politiques d'investissement et de déboursement - We are also making progress in managing our
investments to be more attractive to potential donors. At our December 2006 meeting, our board
decided to accept the recommendation of an ad-hoc investment policy review committee, chaired by
Hugh Swain, to diversify our investments which were limited to no-risk bonds and GICs with the
attendant low rate of return. The new policy includes blue chip stocks and income trusts. This
represents the beginning of a careful evolution from the original investment concept, which was to
preserve the original capital, to one which permits an increased return with very low risk. Given
the investment term for each of our current investments, it will take time to fully transition these
investments to reflect the new policy. Our investment advisor at BMO Nesbit Burns has been
invited to attend this meeting to answer your questions. The AGM will be asked to approve this
change in investment policy.
Our current spending model is to disburse all of the previous year's income from investments and
non-directed donations. Other than the fact that some awarded grants are not fully spent, this policy
implies that we are not maintaining our reserves when inflation is taken into account. To be a successful
foundation in the long term, we need to be able to fund our program of grants, preserve our financial base
over time (including inflation), be attractive to donors, and grow our activities.
I mention two challenges for us. One - IEEE Canada has several new medals and we have an
opportunity to fund these medals from directed donations. Two - Canadian IEEE Sections have
awards programs and we have an opportunity to partner with them in seeking directed donations to
fund these awards.
Promotion de la Fondation canadienne de l'IEEE auprès de l'IEEE Canada
• Your president attends the IEEE Canada Board meetings to inform that board in general, and the Section
chairs in particular, of the activities and capabilities of our foundation.
• Your treasurer, Luc Matteau, attends the annual IEEE Canada Student Branch workshops to provide
information about our Scholarships and Grants and the process for successful application - directly to the
Student Branch representatives who attend.
• Your student branch liaison chair (and IEEE Canada Student Activities chair), Janet Bradley
provides additional interactions and information flow.
• Fondation canadienne de l'IEEEScholarship certificates are presented to Section chairs at the spring
IEEE Canada meeting for subsequent local presentation to the recipients and the names of the recipients
are published on the IEEE Canada Awards web site.
• I attended the Ryerson University Awards Ceremony and presented a foundation Scholarship and
spoke briefly about our foundation.
Liens avec IEEE et la Fondation de l'IEEE
We presently have two direct linkages;
• I am a director of the IEEE Foundation and serve on Project Review and Audit Committees.
• Wally Read is the chair of the comité des administrateurs ('Trustees') of the IEEE History Center and an ex-officio member
of the IEEE Foundation Board of Directors
• Additionally, IEEE receives a copy of the report that I present to IEEE Canada at the Spring
Board meeting, and I intend to submit a copy of that report to the IEEE Foundation under their liaison reports.
• We have the pleasure of welcoming IEEE Foundation President Richard J. Gowen to this meeting - he will
address us under liaison reports.
Prix et reconnaissances de membres de la Fondation
Several of our members have been recognized in a variety of ways:
• Wally Read received the EIC's highest award at their March 2007 Awards Gala in Ottawa.
Established in 1927 and awarded every other year to commemorate the great service
rendered to engineering by Sir John Kennedy, a Past President of the EIC, this medal is the
most distinguished award of the institute. It is awarded in recognition of outstanding service
to the profession or for noteworthy contributions to the science of engineering or to the
benefit of the Institute.
• Don Koval was inducted as a Fellow of the EIC at the same ceremony.
• Adam Skorek has been awarded the 2006 RAB Leadership Award.
Commentaires finaux
Je remercie tous mes collègues membres de la Fondation canadienne de l'IEEE, les leaders bénévoles
de l'IEEE Canada et de la Fondation de l'IEEE, ainsi que le personnel attenant, pour votre inspiration,
conseils et support.
Robert T.H. (Bob) Alden, Ph.D., P.Eng., F EIC, LF IEEE